Friday, 10 December 2010

sayangilah perut anda....

actually...aku baru je balek dari kl nih....
em tapi aku tak nak pon cite pasal journey aku ke kl...tapi aku nak share pengalaman aku semase di kl...
iaitu aku mengalami acute gastric pain yang melampau...
huhu mase aku nak gerak dari jb nih...
aku ade amek bfast...betol aku tak tipu....
tapi memang sepanjang dalam bas aku telah NBM kan diri aku....
coz aku memang malas nak makan kalo tengah naek kenderaan nih...huhu
bile aku jejak je kaki kl tu trus aku dapat serangan gastric yang acute...
aku tak tipu sakitnye hanye allah jek yang tau....
dpd bahagian abdomen nih merebak sampai ke belakang badan...ish azab!
aku takleh makan pape pun....bile makan jek sure vomit balek....ehm....
baru aku tau cmane perasaan patient kat wad yang ade sakit lagi teruk...huhu
then bile aku dah tak larat dah menahan sakit...badan pon lomah longlai jek coz muntah manjang....
aku pon tido....dalam 2 3 jam gak ar aku mengalami kesakitan camnih....
then dye pon ak bile keadaan dah waras tuh...
aku pon trus online kat laptop membe aku...then google tentang GASTRIC...
then aku dapat lah info nih....

The next time you have gastric and prefer to take natural remedies to cure gastric pains, here are some things you can do:
1. Drink lots of water
2. Eat garlic (read about the health benefits of garlic here) – Long term consumption of garlic helps to prevent stomach acidity. For a quick relieve from gastric pains, you can try crushing 2 cloves of garlic and consuming it.
3. Drink apple cider vinegar (read about the benefits of apple cider vinegar here)- Apple cider vinegar and garlic can be combined help relieve gastric pains. Crush a couple of cloves of garlic into a few tablespoons of apple cider vinegar, refrigerate and take a spoonful for instant relief.

kalo korang de gastric janganlah lupe makan ikot timing k....
sayangilah perut anda....
kerana tanpa perut anda takkan dapat rase kemanisan hidup iaitu menikmati makanan...

1 comment:

  1. huhu~
    betol2..ssyg perot aku..walaupon boncit sudaa.
    cm ne la ko le kene tetibe nih..ish3...
